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Safety Spotlight-Carlos Reyes from CityScape Roofing

Congratulations to foreman Martine and his crew-Jesus, Carlos, and Abelardo-at CityScape Roofing for their continued excellent safety performance. The received a score of 100 on their Safety Inspection from 9/8/2016 at a Wal-Mart Neighborhood Market in Charlotte, NC.

Thanks to Martine and his crew for their hard work and dedication to safety. Keep up the great work guys!


We asked crew member Juan "Carlos" a few questions about him, his job, and safety:

How long have you been at CityScape Roofing?

I have been in the roofing industry for 15 years and have been working at CityScape for 2 years now. I like everything about my job and working on the roof-yes even the heat!

What do you like to do for fun?

I like playing soccer, playing volleyball, and kayaking in my downtime. If I could have any job in the world, I'd love to be a professional soccer player.

What does safety mean to you?

Our crew is a team and we discuss the job on the way to the job site each day. I really try to take care in my job, lookout for others, and always watch where I step.

I work safe because I want to go home to my wife, kids, and dog each day. They are very important to me. I have two kids-a son and a daughter-and am happily married.

CityScape associate-Juan "Carlos"

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