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Veteran Spotlight: Jose at Allied Roofing Company

In honor of Veteran's Day this week, we are spotlighting some of our current associates who have served our country. It is a privilege to be able to work alongside these folks each day.

Today's spotlight is Jose at Allied Roofing Company, based in Kernersville, NC. We asked Jose to answer a few questions about his service and how it has played a role in his current position.

Q:What branch did you serve in and what did you do?

A: United States Marine Corps. I was a tank crewman in the 1st Tank Battalion. I started as a tank driver and worked my way up to a tank gunner.

Q: What was the most challenging part of transitioning back to civilian life for you?

A: I think the hardest part of the transition was adapting to the way things work in the “real world." There is no more rank structure...well not like in military that is.

Q: How has your military background helped you in your current role?

A: Being a Marine has definitely helped in many ways. Too many to count. First one that comes to mind is not knowing when to quit, anything. Next would be the ability to adapt to the situations at hand because Lord knows that every day is different in my department and I can walk in in the morning with a plan and various things, only having toss that plan out the window real quick due to how the day progresses.

Q: What does a typical day look like for you in your position?

A: As I stated before it varies A LOT. Being the supervisor of the service department I can start the day by inputting service work orders into the FCS system give them to the service crews and as of the past few months also running production jobs with one of our production crews. This normally means having to put on a tool belt and going to work on the roof along side of them.

Q: What kinds of things do you like to do outside of work?

A: I like to build things and remodel homes. I love to hunt ( but the wife normally has other plans) but most of all I love spending time with my kids and wife...this normally means we get on each others nerves within 5 min.

Thank you Jose for your service and the sacrifices you have made for our country and freedom.

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