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Veteran Spotlight: Ken at CSC Awnings

In honor of Veteran's Day this week, we are spotlighting some of our current associates who have served our country. It is a privilege to be able to work alongside these folks each day.

Today's spotlight is Ken who is the company President at CSC Awnings, based in Winston-Salem, NC. We asked Ken to answer a few questions about his service and how it has played a role in his current position.

What branch did you serve in and what did you do? I served in the United States Air Force from 1983 – 1987. My job was a computer operator. I had a top secret clearance. My job was to run computer programs in a mainframe environment, produce reports and back up files.

What was the most challenging part of transitioning back to civilian life for you? There was not much of a transition from military life to civilian life. Growing up, my father was a disciplinarian maybe because he was in the Navy so I was always kept in line.

How has your military background helped you in your current role? My military life has helped me in my current role by being disciplined, respectful of people and putting in the time and effort to be successful.

What does a typical day look like for you in your position? A typical day involves estimating projects, project managing projects, scheduling our field employees, assisting Mike (our estimator/project manager at CSC Awnings) with estimating / project managing, order entry into CE and purchasing.

What kinds of things do you like to do outside of work? I try to play golf on the weekend. I enjoy riding my motorcycle when time allows. I enjoy spending time with my wife Tammy doing whatever. She also enjoys playing golf and riding motorcycles with me. I enjoy watching golf, UNC Tarheels football & basketball and also the Carolina Panthers.

Thank you Ken for your service and the sacrifices you have made for our country and freedom.

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