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Safety Spotlight-Luciano from Triad Roofing Company

Congratulations to Luciano and his crew at Triad Roofing Company for their outstanding safety performance recently. Luciano's crew (crew members: Ryan, Enrique, Luis, and Manuel) has been inspected four times in the last three months and they haven't received anything less than a 98!


Luciano, a foreman at Triad Roofing Company, loves to ask questions and learn. We decided to ask Luciano a few questions about himself:

How long have you been in the roofing industry?

I have been in the roofing industry for 10 years.

What are some of your hobbies?

I really enjoy soccer, football, and fishing. If I could have any job in the world, I'd love to be either a professional soccer player or a professional tennis player.

Tell us about your family.

I have three sons and am happily married to my wonderful wife! One my least favorite aspects of the job (but don't mind most of the time) is working on weekends because it takes time away from my family.

What do you like most about your job?

I love who I work with. They are my team; they're really like family.

When you hear the word "safety" what do you think of?

Focusing every time!

Thanks to Luciano and his crew for their dedication and leadership. We are happy to have you all as a part of the Bulldog Team!

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