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Safety Spotlight-Benito Hernandez & Crew

Thank you to Benito and his crew at Applied Roofing Solutions for their commitment to working safely. When you find a crew that continually exceeds expectations, you know they are doing the right thing not only when someone is watching but also when no one else is around. Great job to Benito and the following people who were a part of his crew on December 21 and/or December 28: Isidro, Baltazar, Luciano, Lorenzo, Antelmo.

Chris Kindley, our Safety Director, had this to say about Benito and his crew:

"I'd love to feature him and his crew as the next safety spotlight as they have been doing an exceptional job.

Benito's leadership and willingness to be a leader instead of a boss continues to stand out to me. He's always so humble and such a hard worker it's great to see such teamwork and understanding.

This is two 100's in a row for them. They continue to impress me."

Keep up the great work guys!

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